
Conducting A Windows Registry Scan

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By Julian Bates

It can sometimes become necessary to conduct a registry scan on your PC, especially when symptoms of registry problems keep on occurring.

Some of these symptoms of problems with your computer's registry range from error messages to the dreaded blue screen, known as the "Blue Screen of Death" and a system failure which means you won't be able to restart your PC.

It is imperative that you keep your computer's registry free from errors in order for it to function correctly. If you neglect your PC's registry it is just a matter of time before problems start to develop.

There is a fast and simple way to conduct a comprehensive scan on your computer using software called a registry cleaner.

Registry cleaners were designed to make it easy for computer owners to maintain their computer's registry.

Without a registry cleaner your registry has to be edited manually, which can take days or even weeks and is very difficult to do. A registry cleaner enables you to clean your registry in a matter of minutes.

Once you have bought a registry cleaner the first thing you will need to do is install it and then conduct a registry scan. Files, keys and entries which are obsolete, redundant, outdated or orphaned can be removed and the resulting holes filled in stopping your PC's registry from becoming fragmented.

Once you do this you'll find you will greatly increase the data access time for your PC's registry which will mean all your applications and programs will start and respond a lot faster than they did before.

It is very important to make sure that you always backup your registry files before making any changes. Your registry cleaner software should have a backup option. By backing up you won't have to worry if something goes wrong during the registry cleaning and everything can be easily restored.

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Free PC scan

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By Ethan Hunter

As soon as you start to browse the Internet, you are risking attacks not only from virus, but also from those creepy malware, and you start to have the immediate effect. Your PC slows down, and your monitor screen suddenly turns blue. There could be other effects too. Your firewall could have been tampered with, and it could be sending out strange traffic. The virus with your email could be hacking your computer with your personal information being siphoned off by some people somewhere in the net.

Virus attacks could take over your PC completely, so much so, that it starts to send emails to all the addresses it finds in your address book. A virus could initiate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in large networks and could paralyze the whole operation. For detecting virus and malware in your computer system, you should have your PC scanned by web-based free PC scan which can detect various kinds of Internet security threats in your computer such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware.

You can have your PC scanned by one of the free PC scan web-based utility found in the internet. The utility can help you to detect any viruses or malware in your computer which is perhaps slowing down your PC. The web-based tool scans for every known Internet threat that may have attacked your system. This may include various types of viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Free PC scan also detects other files or software which is affecting the operation of your system, and also provides you with website addresses for you to download the missing security patches. After each scan, the utility provides you with a report on the various kinds of threats found in your system.

There is malicious free PC scan web based software which intentionally pumps in virus and spyware in your system when you request a PC scan. After the scan, you may find an odd looking tool bar appearing with your browser. A report generated from the scan would show you various kinds of virus that have been found in your system, and a pop-up will continuously ask you to purchase an anti-virus software to get rid of the various types of viruses found in your PC.

There are various kinds of indications when your system gets attacked by virus or spyware. At first, your system may get slow and later hang. A tool bar may appear with your browser, one you have never seen before. The browser would automatically take you to a different website than the one you wanted to browse, and more specifically, if you find that you are not being able to run Windows programs like "Msconfig", or REGEDIT, it is almost certain you have virus in your system. You can search for free PC scan utilities on the Internet, and one of these web-based tools can help you detect the virus and the malicious software in your computer.

You can find several user reviews on free pc scan on the Internet which may help you choose one. Virus and spyware do permanent damage to your computer, and you may lose all data that you have in your hard disk. Spyware could change your browser settings, or send away your personal information to a third party without your knowledge. Adware would continuously display advertisements on your monitor, popping up every time on your screen. Free pc scan is a way to know if your computer has been attacked by virus or malware.

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Computer Security - Best Ways To Secure Your Computer

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By Sam Johnson
Technology has come so far in the past ten years. It is hard to even imagine that it was only within the last thirty years in our history that personal computers came into existence.

As I write this, we have become a society that runs on computers and everything is at our fingertips. The modern computer gives us access to a virtual world, filled with information and multimedia and we can almost do anything we want to using a computer.

Although this is such an exciting time for computer users, and the internet has never been more popular, we also have to keep in mind the question of how to keep our data safe from hackers and guard our computer security, especially where privacy is concerned.

There exists an underlying culture of internet users whose number one priority in life is to hack into computer systems, whether corporate, business or private home users, with the goal of destroying or stealing data.

Financial gain from the theft of personal information is rampant now, and identity theft is becoming a more common form of cybercrime. Most hackers are content to delete or destroy the information on a computer or to take a computer over and turn it into one of their own hacking devices. Generally, these types of attacks occur without the user's knowledge.

What can we do then to protect ourselves from all these problems? The best protection against phishing, spam, viruses, trojans and spyware attacks are to have two software applications installed that are especially designed to fight off these intruders. One is a Firewall and the other is an AntiVirus program.

The Firewall is a piece of software designed to act just like the Firewall barrier in a car, which protects the car's passengers against fire in the engine. Firewalls can be complicated to set up, but they are essential. Once operating, they will safeguard the user from getting viruses through the internet because of this layer of protection.

The second line of defence and, really, equally important is the AntiVirus software. Today's AntiVirus programs are made by internet security companies and this is all they do. They simply maintain vigilance over the newest viruses and trojans that are created daily by hackers, and they continually update their AntiVirus software to stop it from being run on a user's computer, before any damage is done.

There are many other methods that can help us to protect ourselves against spam, viruses, trojans and spyware and, for the most part, these involve us being educated and careful about what we do online and what we access. Opening emails with attachments is basically a no go zone these days, and we should use caution with what websites we go to. Hackers are now offering us what looks like legitimate AntiVirus software filled with viruses and trojans, so we need to make ourselves aware of these tricks.

One of the best things we can do is to find out, from reputable sources, what we need to be look out for and what software we should use. Our local computer store is a good place to start and you can search online for reputable AntiVirus news to keep up to date and informed. If we will take the time to find out what the hackers are doing, we will be much better at keeping them at bay and avoiding their attacks.

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How a Registry Scan Will Repair a Slow Computer

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Computers are great machines capable of doing many things, but they can bog down rather easily, which is why you need to do perform registry repair on a regular basis. What is a computer registry? It stores many files and other information that your computer needs to function. Sometimes, more than one program can share the same instruction files. But if you uninstall a program, errors can arise.

Also, your computer gets clogged up with information it does not need, because Windows software does not get rid of all traces of software out of the registry. Over time, the remaining parts of these programs can disrupt the normal performance level of your machine.

When can you tell that you need a registry scan? If your computer constantly crashes, that is a definite sign. Also, if the processor feels like it is running at the speed of a computer 20 years ago, that's another clue.

In the worst case scenario, you may get what many people call the "Blue Screen of Death." This lets you know your system has encountered a major error. But, it can easily be fixed without taking your computer to a repair shop, or buying a new computer altogether.

The way to clean out a PC registry is to perform a registry scan. This is the best way to execute registry repair. If you try to do it on your own, you could mistakes that could permanently damage your computer.

A good PC registry repair program will not only scan your computer for errors, but it will also let you schedule regular maintenance, to make sure they stay off your system.

The registry repair software that performs the best registry scan is RegCure. Read more about it here